Friday, September 30, 2011

3-Dimensional Hogwarts Castle


This map is called "3D Hogwarts Castle" and has appeared on a site called Video-Copilot (a site that focuses on digital effects/art) through messages between a user named "kingpin" and several of his admirers. In case you were wondering, yes, this is the very Hogwarts from the phenomenon that is the "Harry Potter" film franchise. This is not just art, but relates to Geographical Information Systems (GIS) because it is more of a research project. Several admirers messaged reference pictures and videos to the creator. Although unfinished, this map accurately illustrates the complex Gothic architecture almost to scale. (Several detailed close up pictures are available through the link above.) The buildings are placed on what seems like a scanned blueprint of the actual castle (it should be noted that the castle is obviously not real, and is modeled after various other European castles and cathedrals). Being a hardcore "HP" fan, this picture caught my eye many months ago and I used the related pictures and the site as a reference for Gothic architecture for my amateur drawings. Although Hogwarts is not a "real" place (although many wish it is) it may one day become real thanks to pictures and maps like these.

If San Francisco Crime Were Elevation


The map is titled "If San Francisco Crime Were Elevation," and it shows various crimes (Larceny/Narcotics/Assault/Vandalism/Warrants/Prostitution/Vehicle Theft/Robbery) and how frequently they occur in certain places among the same region. I found this map on another blog of a person who somehow specializes in GIS and Data visualization (posted June 5th, 2010). I find this map interesting because it makes the information given is simple to process. The map is visually attractive and easily grabbing attention. I particularly like the fact that the elevated crime rates resemble hills and valleys (nice touch with the shadows), and this map is also a good indicator of which places to avoid at night during a trip to San Francisco.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

G.I.S. Example #1 Crater Lake

Relief Map of Crater Lake

The above picture is titled Crater Lake National Park. This picture is from the official site for Crater Lake National Park. The map shows the elevated landscape and main body of water that is Crater Lake and the significant buildings and park centers surrounding it. The map accurately includes the iconic island in the middle near cliffs. What I find interesting about the map is the geological landscape. Personally, I prefer wildlife more than cities because features on this map are all natural. It is curious that these unique geographical characteristics can occur all by themselves without the help of human planning. They can gradually change over time as well and even change suddenly in an unforseen natural phenomenon.